Friday 3 February 2017

Journal - Hybrid of Boyer Moore and Rule based System for Mobile Library Book Information

In this paper, a hybrid of Boyer Moore and Rule Based System are introduced for library book information on mobile application. A hybrid approach is employed as solution to replace the Digital Resource, Web based Software System and Catalogue. Quick Response (QR) Code is an improvement to replace the barcode and it can access any sensor on mobile application. The methodology of this paper is to develop Library Book Information to be more effective and by combining Boyer Moore String Matching and Rule Based System. From the phase of Boyer Moore and Rule Based System, these are greatly simplified this system by using QR Code to get data in a real time. The result in Boyer Moore and Rule Based System shows with highest priority or threshold (maximum) to minimum. It can be concluded that the hybrid of Boyer Moore and Rule Based System can effectively support the library information system.

General Terms
QR Code, Library Information System, Mobile Application

Boyer Moore, String Matching, Rule Based System

Library book information are typically identified during the early process whereby there are various of collections usually include such items as picture books, novels, non-fiction, non-print materials, professional resources, and serials [1]. While inside of a library catalogues has consists of data about the author, title, subject, publisher, edition, place, year, language and ISBN of the book.
A hybrid approach involves the use of a combination of technology and non-technology solutions. Further, it will include a core infrastructure based on open standards to enable flexible development and modification, easy integration and interoperability, and intuitive access to services and information [2].
This research involves the use hybrid of Boyer Moore and Rule Based system as approach in library book information on mobile application. The Boyer Moore approach offers great flexibility because it obviates the need for time consuming index building and adapted to rapidly changing text bases. Moreover, Boyer Moore for String Matching uses two pre-computed tables skip. It utilizes the occurrence heuristic of symbols in a pattern, and shift which utilizes the match heuristic of the pattern, for searching a string [3].
This has a motivation to support Rule Based System which is not only recognized for true/false but also an undetermined area. To do the rule based technique, one sample is taken as interference. The classical example in rule-based is to search book title. Furthermore, the rule-based approach can also prevent the system-based approach from instantaneous decision making on the large or small scale that may be pursued to answer upcoming concerns [4].
Quick Response (QR) Code that is two-dimensional code and an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard which can encode information such as text, URL or other data up to 7,089 numeric characters, 4,296 alphanumeric characters and 2,953 binary, has been used in many applications especially in mobile applications and the advantages to be used in Mobile Augment Reality applications [5]. QR codes can be found on store-front windows, magazines, newspapers, websites, posters, mass mailings, and billboards. Businesses display QR codes on advertisements to direct people to their websites. One study found over 14 million U.S. mobile users scanning QR codes during June 2011 especially in mobile applications [6]. The key reason is the demand from the user to provide access to information resources through their mobile is high that is one such technology which can cater to the user demand of providing access to resources through mobile.
Another work that promotes the Text search function techniques but has a different approach is available in most electronic document and as function matches string highlighted and there is a button to focus on to move on the next and previous occurrences. But a literal string matching has limitations. Issues of search queries will occur when readers who do not know exactly what they search for or how it might be expressed that match many extraneous passages or no passages at all. This happens if there is an advanced search functions is used to narrow down the search, and make people distressed [7]. The algorithm is reformulated by adding new feature to make it working as multi pattern string matching algorithm based on the hybrid recommender system [8]. This will boost the performance to overcome the weakness of the other string matching algorithms. However, this performance could affect a security issue in the modern network.
In this research, an enhancement work on a refined approach to support the process of accuracy and time taken in library book information on mobile application is proposed. This approach is an electronic library book information system on mobile application by using Boyer Moore and Rule Based derived from QR Code interaction pattern libraries.

Library Book information is one of information or knowledge for student to get information by reading within educational or non-educational book. Most frequently student finds or tracks a book via computer that available in library. Nowadays libraries are having a paradigm shift towards web based e-resources by utilizing an internet where the direction libraries
operated. In certain libraries, the major collection would be in close access with a small collection and involve a staff to assist for the collection. The effectiveness of library depends on how they facilitate student/reader with desired bibliographic and web graphic resources. Libraries have to create environments that enable successful assessment and the implementation of results based on these assessments.
The standard existing application is used in catalogue and web base or intranet technology. This is the need for student to search manually in order to avoid of crowded from waiting other student while using the system.
A brief summary of the problem statements are
 Using Personal Computer (PC) machine is not efficient
 No additional features and information to student
 Use barcode can only keep small data

Moreover, in maintaining between traditional and electronic services, instructional information technology departments is monitoring the status and it is important to maintain technological currency in the face of decreasing resources, rising costs, and differing views about the funding priorities of the agency [1]. The implementation of using this database is important for information retrieval but a good computerized library system is essential and will help its users with quick and prompt services [9]. Based on these problems, this research is intended to propose hybrid approach for Boyer Moore String Matching and Rule Based System based on mobile application to solve current problem as described earlier.
In order to design, develop and evaluate the proposed Library Book information on Mobile Application, the proof of concept application is developed using QR Code, Boyer Moore String Matching Algorithm and Rule-based Technique.
3.1 Parameter Design
3.1.1 QR Code
Figure 3.1 shows the design of QR Code in mobile application. It involves software as a middleware to connect the network to get the information from the client in a network. The mobile application camera will act as a sensor by scanning the QR Code to retrieve information from client on network. Then, the code will encode from QR Code in string or text file.
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